Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Heidi-ho, Heidi-ho - Around Panama City We Go

It was with great anticipation that I awaited Heidi’s arrival, and an even greater excitement that marked my first sighting of her beautiful, smiling face.  She settled in at the hostel, we grabbed a quick lunch in our surrounding ‘very local’ neighborhood, and then were off to explore!
Heidi & The Bee

Boats Waiting To Enter The Canal

First destination was the Panama Canal, which was built in 1914.  We took a couple of local bus rides on brightly painted school busses out to the Canal, it all went pretty smoothly due to lots and lots of questions asked by us along the way.  We arrived at the Miraflores Locks and went out to the observation decks to check it out.

It was pretty interesting watching the huge ships pass through.  There are a series of ‘locks’ which they fill up with fresh water and drain, rather quickly, to allow these ships to smoothly access the next level and pass from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or vice versa.


Heidi told me that the cheapest Panama Canal crossing paid was $0.38 by a man swimming through in the 1920’s.  I guess I never really thought about how much it would cost, but it’s a pretty penny.  $150–$250 thousand dollars for a large cargo ship to pass through, and a personal sailboat passage will set you back anywhere from $500 to $1,500.  

After the canal we took the bus back to Albrook Mall, which is an insanely huge shopping mall, (Metrotown Style for my Van friends) and after speaking with some very nice and helpful women in a book store, we decided to head to Mirabella for dinner and drinks.  Cuba Libre’s and cuisine ensued…  
Big Red!
On day 2 with Heidi we checked out the Amador Causway, which is three Islands linked by a road off the coast - Isla Naos, Isla Perico and Isla Flamenco.  We road ‘Big Red’ up and down the entire length of the causeway, taking in more spectacular views of the Downtown City, Casco Viejo, and the Bridge of the Americas.  Big Red didn’t exactly make the journey easy…so we stopped for some well-deserved beers and patacones (fried plantains).

Re-fueled, we spent some time in the Smithsonian Aquarium and Nature Center; I fell in love with the Porcupine Fish, and Heidi saw her first sloth in its natural habitat.  We also spotted numerous iguanas perched in the trees in a seemingly rabid raccoon.

Panama City, it’s a wrap…next destination San Blas and Colombia!  

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