Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Farewell Boquete

It was with a bit of a heavy heart that I left Boquete yesterday morning, and not just because I had to pack up and lug my big pack again after a month of settlement.  It was because I felt at home in Boquete; at home in my house with my family, at home in the city knowing the streets and lifestyle, and at home with new friends of the local and travelling variety.  Yes I will miss Boquete, not sure when I will get back, but it’s nice to know that I will always have a warm welcome if I do.
Elva, Yolanda & Patricia

One positive was the escape of the tropical rains that seemed to move in over my last week there.  Each day the downpour starting a little earlier until yesterday when despite getting up at the crack of dawn I still had to take my laundry to a Laundromat for drying - wadding through puddles up to my ankles from the day long flash flooding with laundry and umbrella precariously perched.  The light at the end of the tunnel was the cutest little girl that I met while waiting for my drying.
She was 5 years old, and spent about half an hour talking to me in Spanish.  I couldn’t understand much of what she was saying at first, so I tried to tell her about me and why I was there.  Upon hearing this she immediately said that she was a very good teacher and started pointing to different items of clothing, saying the name in Spanish and looking at me to repeat the word.  What a sweetheart.

I think this is what I will miss about Boquete, the small village vibe where most everyone is friendly.  After a month you see the same people and are automatic friends when you see each other out and about.  Sad but true, all good things must come to end…however usually one experience is just a prelude to the next great experience, so wherever you are enjoy your time today and dream for tomorrow.  

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