Thursday, June 23, 2011

How Many Action Movies Does It Take To Get From Taganga to San Gil?

We got up bright and early with the hopes of making to San Gil by nightfall…haha think again!  We have discovered that you need to add 50-75% extra to any bus arrival time.  This one was extreme, an 11 hour trip taking over 21 hours.  There was traffic to cross a single lane bridge (hint: two action movies down at a standstill) and then a while later an accident only half a mile in front of us…5ish hours later we were on the move again, but not before Heidi broke a very young man’s heart in Balitas.  We finally arrived at 8am – at least we saved on accommodation for the evening!

Since it was a long night, we decided a chill day was in order.  We explored the village of San Gil, a beautiful town built up the steep cliffs of the Rio Fonce, and visited the botanical gardens.  Not so botanical with flowers, but some cute little birds (yes I said cute and birds in the same sentence) and butterflies galore.

We stopped for an afternoon snack in the park, a local delicacy, roasted ants!  They were crispy and their bodies were tasty with a cold beer to wash it down; their heads, I just couldn’t get down with that!  

We fed our left over ants to a sweet little kitty and a suspiciously silky, brilliant red squirrel.

Tired, our day was completed with a coffee slushy, empanada and a few rounds of Boggle!

Answer: Four, with plenty of extra time for delightful Spanish music and Heidi’s conversation.

1 comment:

  1. Cute and birds in once sentence! I am shocked Katie Dougall!!! Amazing blog, am loving it... keep em coming!
