Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Few New Roommates

It’s a good thing I am a lover of almost all animals…and in my old age have become comfortable with insects, rodents and amphibians…  Why?  Because I have a few new roomies that like to grace me with their presence when I least expect it! 

First is the gecko.  He is pretty cute and usually comes round in the evening, creeping his translucent little body about my walls. 

Next are the roosters (my fail proof alarm) and chickens, their favorite pastime is to fight on the tin roof over the shower. 

Third is a teeny little mouse, only about an inch long…I like to think she’s a she; and often she comes in my room in the evening for shelter from the rain.  This is not by choice of mine, but from a teeny little hole she has chewed in the door. 

Fourth are the frogs, they have yet to hop into my room (thank god), but I hear them wribbet with rejoice for life every day.

Lastly are the butterflies and beautifully colorful moths.  I usually have one waiting on my door or stoop to welcome me home.

Not exactly what I'm used to, it always keeps me on my toes...but I guess it's nice to have some friends in Boquete who don't tire me out with a language I don't understand!

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty moth photo. I hear that mice like to party in groups. Is she bringing her 7 sisters in to visit tonight?
