Sunday, January 8, 2012

Snowcation Report: Baker & Stevens

Well, obviously my blog has taken a hiatus this fall, but its back with all kinds of winter wonder in store.  I have decided to embrace wintertime and see where it takes me.  My first few exploits have been warm up’s into the cold core of it all, but I must say immensely enjoyable.

First up Mount Baker, what a splendidly gorgeous mountain!  Complete with puffy powder snow, igloo caves, and friendly folk, it’s a pure paradise in the winter arena.  Snowshoeing around Bagley Lakes with my friend Necole was on the agenda for Baker.

I had only been once before, and the experience was less than nirvana.  I was 10 or something and promptly into the trek one of my snowshoes broke.  I spent the rest of the trip sinking and limping along, with each step despising the sport a little more!  

Well I am happy to report that these apparatuses have come a long way from wood and sinew, to modern sleek contraptions allowing you to practically float over the snow.  It was a much improved experience.  I’m sure the necessary Baileys/coffee and additional perks (that I didn’t have when I was 10) helped too!

Apparently snowshoeing is one of the world’s fastest growing sports.  Go figure.  I don’t know if I would go that far…but it IS a practically free way to get up into the mountains and take in some rich invigorating air, while surrounded by an awe-inspiring backdrop.  Highly recommended.

Next, Stevens Pass.  One good thing about moving to Edmonds is that the closest Mountain Pass is now Stevens and not Snoqualmie.  Stevens has a lot more to offer and the lifts run until 10pm for night riding, which happens to be my favorite.  Nearly empty lift lines, huge flood lights illuminating the slopes, and dry chalky snow.  

What’s not to love about being in the middle of a dark snow globe with shimmering glitter falling all around you? 

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