Friday, July 1, 2011

Valle De Cocora

Based in the small artisan town of Salento we started our trek into the strikingly awesome Valle De Cocora.  We caught a ‘Willy’ jeep from the center of town, which drove us 40 minutes to the base of the trails.  Not having any idea of what we were about to behold, we started out on a 12 km hike.

The beginning wound us through grasslands, a broad green valley surrounded with high sharp peaks.  We could observe towering wax palms from a distance, stretching up into the clouds.  Wax Palms, Colombia’s National tree, and the world’s tallest variety of palm tree, grow to over 60 meters (200 feet) tall. 

After about an hour we entered into the cloud forest and began the long steady incline to the Acaime Natural Reserve.  The path followed a river flowing downhill, which often we would have to cross by way of skinny tree trunks lain across. 

Reaching the pinnacle at over 2,600 meters (8,530 feet) in altitude, we were set amid a magical, misty cloud forest teeming with hummingbirds. 

From here came the tough climb, ascending to 3,000 meters (9,840 feet), we reached La Montana, a lookout point over the cloud forest. 

With relief our decent began along a wide, easily navigable pathway.  The scenery was so picturesque with Colombian happy cows grassing and horses dotting the landscape, I really didn’t think it could get any more beautiful.  Then rounding a corner we were in the middle of the wax palms, close enough to touch them.  I literally had goosebumps, it was awe-inspiring being surrounded by such behemoth natural masterpieces.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know any palm could grow so tall! Have you tried any of the famous Columbian coffee yet?
