Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Aspen X Games – Snow, Steeze & Stoke

First off, before I even get to Aspen and the X Games, I just want to say I love Colorado!  The last time I visited was to Denver and Boulder in the summer, and I didn’t want to leave.  Now after a second winter foray into the state, I am entirely convinced Colorado is incredible in every season, in every way.  A quit your job and move there kind of incredible.  Parks & Green Space; Surrounding Mountains; Blue Sky & Sunshine; Active, Attractive & Agreeable People; DOGS Everywhere…seriously I’m hooked.

Now let’s get specific, Colorado knows how to do winter. Perhaps that’s why their famed mountain Aspen has been home to the X Games for the last 13 years.  It was a gorgeous drive from Denver to Aspen, passing through the famous continental divide tunnel and probably a dozen other notable ski resorts like Vail and Snowmass.

Arriving, Aspen has far surpassed quaint. The streets are lined with huge snow/ice sculptures, high end boutiques, and fancy restaurants and bars.  It is a true destination.  The mountains still take center stage, but it is filled out with lots of other ornamental substance to keep everyone happy…calling all snow bunnies…its safe!  The whole aura around town was of excitement.   Whether we were at one of the outdoor concerts, sipping bevvy’s and making friends with mountain hotties, or headed to the venue on the bus, people were amped up and it was contagious.

There was also a unifying feeling and spirit running through the X Games; a strong current, constantly rising and honoring Sarah Burke, an X Games hero who recently passed away at just 29 years of age.  Fellow Canadian athletes honored and paid tribute to her with their wins, and I can’t tell you how many people around where wearing ‘Sarah’ arm bands or other items to mourn and acknowledge her contributions to not only the sport, but the world at large.  Sarah’s hometown mountain of Whistler has a bid in for the 2013 X Games, although tragically ironic in one sense, I think if they win the bid it will really be the ultimate tribute. 

The events I saw, including the SuperPipe, Snowboarder X Course, Skier Big Air, and Snowboard Slopestyle, were unbelievable.  It’s one thing to watch the events on television, it is entirely a different stoke to see them flying into the air and right over your head.  Pretty spectacular!  

I was also lucky enough to enjoy the X Games from a VIP perspective, running into an old co-worker onsite with ESPN.  It was cool to see the Games from the angle of the athletes and take advantage of a few awesome perks they had planned out!  It made me miss event planning and coordinating these kinds of undertakings…X Games Whistler 2013?!